
Sunday, August 28, 2011

School Shopping: The trilogy.......

note: everything highlighted in purple is a link

Today i've decided to blog about what i've been doing for the past 3 days.....SHOPPING
but i thought it would be unfair/boring to just blog about today, so i'm gonna tell you about the whole "school shopping experience" to make it a little more entertaining.

Day 1: Kohl's
This past wednesday, my mom took my brother to Kohl's to take him school shopping cuz that was the only day we could do it. Of course, i don't wanna sit there all bored and looking at nothing but nerdy pants for my manchild of a brother, so my mom said i could look around and see if i liked anything. For some reason, I don't like Kohl's AT ALL. That store has some boring crap that is mass produced. Like, anybody can have my dress cuz there's like 28346 of them in a size small, nahmean? I don't wan't anything that everyone has......and i don't wanna look CHEAP. So anyway, i look around and i see, like, 2 things that i like. Everything that i like is either too small or practically disposable smh. You could wear one of their shirts and it falls apart after a month smh. But i DID find a blazer and a nice blouse that i wore for orientation XD

Day 2: XXI Forever (a.k.a. Forever 21)
THIS....IS....MY.....STORE!!!!! I frickin love this store with all my heart. If i could have a summer job, this would be it....DEFINITELY. I have a CrapTon of stuff from there. This is not your usual Forever 21 store, this store has TWO STORIES of nothing but awesome clothes, accessories, and shoes :)
But anyway, my mom let me go in there & just pick out what i wanted. I hadn't been there in so long and when in walked in there i felt like i was in HEAVEN!!!! there was fashion surrounding me :)
the only thing that screwed it up were the customers smh. I have never seen a pretty person walk into forever 21.....EVER. They're either fat & think they're skinny, look like a dragqueen/Lady GayGay/early Madonna/hot mess, or are old people that wanna stay young forever. Just because it says FOREVER 21, doesn't mean the clothes will make you look FOREVER 21 smh. So, anyway, the mall closes @ 9:30 and i walked into the store @ 9:00. Thirty minutes to look for some clothes for school? You're talking about mission impossible here lol
So the fitting rooms were upstairs so i was forced to take the escalator up there lol
All i saw upstairs were gay black boys working the sales floor XD
&they were really nice :)
The fitting room lady was nice too. she helped me with the clothes & everything.
Then i looked at the clock and it was past 9:30 so i was like "crap....i gotta hurry". So i hurried up and gave her the clothes that i didn't want and she said that i could shop on the way downstairs. THEN this older lady kept asking me how my "shopping experience" went, like i was gonna steal something. Just cuz i'm black doesn't mean i'm gonna steal a $5 shirt that i don't want anyway. So i told that lady that i found everything i was looking for and i took the escalator downstairs. But then i saw the CUTE cropped jacket that i just HAD to have and i looked at it for TWO SECONDS and then this snooki lookin b*tch with two different colors of neon-blue eyeshadow is gonna get up in my face & say (in a rude way) "our registers are starting to close" which means "b*tch u need to hurry up & pay for ya shit cuz i wanna go home"
I honestly don't blame her for wanting to go home but she didn't have to be rude about it. I was so pissed. Then when i went up to the register, some british-black lady was lookin at me funny cuz i gave her a debit card instad of some crinkled-up dollar bills, pocket change, and some pocket-lint smh.
Those ppl are so rude but i love their clothes lol

Day 3: The Outlet Mall
Today i went to the outlet mall......YES i said it....THE OUTLET MALL (during hurricane Irene...don't judge)
At first i didn't wanna go to the outlet mall but when i realized what was there, i was like "hell yeah i wanna go" lol
This is better than any mall you've ever been to. They have more name brands than any other mall i've EVER been to. I've got a few pairs of $100 pants XD
I've got stuff so expensive that you'd pass out if you read the receipt.
$200 dollars for a blazer? Yes ma'am,i gots that too :p
The only reason why i won't write much about what i got and which store i got it from is because i don't want anyone to have the same thing i have cuz there's always that one person that's tryna get what i have smh

But to sum it up, i have some REALLY great clothes for the year :)
I can't wait for christmas, plus my birthday is a week after christmas so i get twice as many presents XD

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