
Thursday, August 25, 2011


note: everything highlighted in purple is a link

Today i went to my high school's orientation.
Every year, you pick up your schedule, find your classes, recieve their school supply lists, and maybe eat a wonderful soyburger that tastes like liquid smoke but today was different -___-
I roll up in the school and i see little teenyboppers running around the school like it's a frickin playground and i thought to myself, "These can't be the freshmen....they look like those little kids from the disney sitcom 'ANT farm'........are they like, 12 or something?"
And I'm not exaggerating....these girls are like 4'11 or shorter, have training bras, and have frickin JustinBieber lunchboxes and backpacks. And the boys are so wack that i cant even form a word to describe how uncool they are smh. They be lookin like this -____-
i swear, the freshmen get sluttier and younger every year smh
and it gets worse.....
everytime we have to find our classes, the little froshmores are running around cuz they haven't figured out how our hallway numbering system works lol
The hallway looks like this when you're a freshman but it starts to look like this by sophmore year lol
but forrreal tho.....they were making me late to my classes and homie don't play that
But i did get my school supply lists that look like this but all imma get is this lol

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