
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Going to the dentist

note: eveything highlighted in purple is a link

Today i went to the dentist to get a deep cleaning done. They never told me what to expect.....
It was already bad enough that this middle-aged Bill Cosby lookin man was talking to me like i was 5
then he said that he was gonna numb one side of my mouth so he could inject anesthesia (which would make my mouth even more numb) in six places on the inside of my mouth. Of course, I was already shitting bricks and the guy hadn't even touched my mouth yet.

So the stuff he put in my mouth to numb it for the injections tasted like poisoned cough syrup or cherry-flavored candy from the dollar store. Then when he was injecting the anestesia, it felt like a pinch at first and then my whole mouth felt like i tried to commit suicide by drinkin tobasco sauce. It was HORRIBLE. Then the guy was telling me about the thingy that will clean my teeth and that it sends "electical pulses" & shit mixed with water and BLAH BLAH BLAH. And then i reached up to wipe something off my face and it felt like one side of my face was swollen as a mofo.  I asked then dentist about it and he said it wasn't that noticeable......that was some BS cuz as soon as he gave me a mirror, i saw that my face looked like i survived a stroke everytime i smiled. Plus my mouth was full of blood like i ate glass for lunch smh. If this is what it feels like to have botox, then i'll just have to be an old ugly wrinkly granny. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. The dentist said that the numbness should only last for about a couple hours but it lasted for, like, 4 hours smh. My mom and my brother went into Rita's to get some ice cream and i couldn't get any cuz i couldn't feel my mouth when i ate. But then my mom gave me the rest of hers and i ended up with crumbs and ice cream all over my mouth cuz i couldn't feel SHIT. I was so happy when i could feel my mouth again but then i realized......I HAVE TO GET THE OTHER SIDE CLEANED ON FRIDAY (which means that i have to do this all over again in two days)
So the lesson you learned today is that you should VISIT A DENTIST REGULARLY and TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH or you'll end up looking like this after a deep cleaning.

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