
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It is the morning after homecoming (11:52) and there's no way in hell i can get breakfast cuz McDonald's stops serving breakfast at 10 (i think) smh.
but anyway, i am POOPED & still trying to decide if i should eat breakfast or wait till lunch -_____-
i wonder if this is what KE$HA feels like when she wakes up the morning after a party lol
but i should get on with the story XD
My boyfriend and i had the schedule all planned out for the night:

 -GO TO HIS HOUSE @ 6:30
 -GET TO P.F. CHANG'S @ 7:00

did everything go as planned? IT NEVER DOES -____-
I asked my mom to get my boyfriend's birthday present & then she didn't come back till late cuz she was shoppin for other stuff too
so this is how our shedule went:

 -MOM DOES MY HAIR & MAKEUP @ 6:30 (supposed to pick up boyfriend now)
 -MOM TAKES PICTURES BEFORE WE LEAVE HOME @ 8:15 (supposed to leave restaurant now)
 -WE GET ON THE ROAD TO PICK UP  BOYFRIEND @  8:20 (supposed to be on the way to the school now)

well, i think you get the gist that we were runnin on black ppl time smh
So by the time we pick up my boyfriend, we don't have enough time to go to the restaurant of choice, so we go to this thai place that's like 5 miles from my house smh
they brought out the food so quick that i was a little suspicious
i swear they microwaved it smh
and i don't think my boyfriend was too crazy about the food either lol
and while we were eating, another "homecoming group" was there and they decided to shout across the restaurant to my boyfriend cuz they haven't seen him in a while -_____-
my plan to be incognito was ruined
all i wanted to do was eat & haul ass to the dance before it was too late
but it got worse when we got to the actual dance smh
i had to wait for my boyfriend to actually get into the dance cuz the teachers were too busy tryna catch up with him
and about 10 seconds after we FINALLY got into the dance, ppl started rushing at him like he was black jesus or something
& don't get me wrong, i think it's really sweet that ppl miss him, but DAMN i wanted some time w/ my boo too lol
it was just awkward standing there when ppl (that i don't know that well) were having a conversation with my boyfriend & practically ignoring me (although i see them at school EVERYDAY)
so after that, we went to the gym where the party was & i saw alot of interesting things
like i mentioned in my earlier blog post, i saw little tweens runnin around in the WORST homecoming fashion i've EVER SEEN
this one girl was wearin a floor-length dress with some CHUCK TAYLORS on, lookin like she wanna be AVRIL LAVIGNE or some weird shit like that smh
ALOT of girls were lookin MAD CHEAP up in there
like, how are u gonna wear a cheap dress but then have on some hooker heels that are 6 inches tall?
it was so bad that i almost felt like i was overdressed -___-
but i did get alot of compliments & nasty looks from jealous girls XD
and it ended up being a great night :)
and if my boyfriend were here with me right now, i would say "I LOVE YOU, I MISS YOU, AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO COME BACK HOME AGAIN" :)

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