
Sunday, August 28, 2011

School Shopping: The trilogy.......

note: everything highlighted in purple is a link

Today i've decided to blog about what i've been doing for the past 3 days.....SHOPPING
but i thought it would be unfair/boring to just blog about today, so i'm gonna tell you about the whole "school shopping experience" to make it a little more entertaining.

Day 1: Kohl's
This past wednesday, my mom took my brother to Kohl's to take him school shopping cuz that was the only day we could do it. Of course, i don't wanna sit there all bored and looking at nothing but nerdy pants for my manchild of a brother, so my mom said i could look around and see if i liked anything. For some reason, I don't like Kohl's AT ALL. That store has some boring crap that is mass produced. Like, anybody can have my dress cuz there's like 28346 of them in a size small, nahmean? I don't wan't anything that everyone has......and i don't wanna look CHEAP. So anyway, i look around and i see, like, 2 things that i like. Everything that i like is either too small or practically disposable smh. You could wear one of their shirts and it falls apart after a month smh. But i DID find a blazer and a nice blouse that i wore for orientation XD

Day 2: XXI Forever (a.k.a. Forever 21)
THIS....IS....MY.....STORE!!!!! I frickin love this store with all my heart. If i could have a summer job, this would be it....DEFINITELY. I have a CrapTon of stuff from there. This is not your usual Forever 21 store, this store has TWO STORIES of nothing but awesome clothes, accessories, and shoes :)
But anyway, my mom let me go in there & just pick out what i wanted. I hadn't been there in so long and when in walked in there i felt like i was in HEAVEN!!!! there was fashion surrounding me :)
the only thing that screwed it up were the customers smh. I have never seen a pretty person walk into forever 21.....EVER. They're either fat & think they're skinny, look like a dragqueen/Lady GayGay/early Madonna/hot mess, or are old people that wanna stay young forever. Just because it says FOREVER 21, doesn't mean the clothes will make you look FOREVER 21 smh. So, anyway, the mall closes @ 9:30 and i walked into the store @ 9:00. Thirty minutes to look for some clothes for school? You're talking about mission impossible here lol
So the fitting rooms were upstairs so i was forced to take the escalator up there lol
All i saw upstairs were gay black boys working the sales floor XD
&they were really nice :)
The fitting room lady was nice too. she helped me with the clothes & everything.
Then i looked at the clock and it was past 9:30 so i was like "crap....i gotta hurry". So i hurried up and gave her the clothes that i didn't want and she said that i could shop on the way downstairs. THEN this older lady kept asking me how my "shopping experience" went, like i was gonna steal something. Just cuz i'm black doesn't mean i'm gonna steal a $5 shirt that i don't want anyway. So i told that lady that i found everything i was looking for and i took the escalator downstairs. But then i saw the CUTE cropped jacket that i just HAD to have and i looked at it for TWO SECONDS and then this snooki lookin b*tch with two different colors of neon-blue eyeshadow is gonna get up in my face & say (in a rude way) "our registers are starting to close" which means "b*tch u need to hurry up & pay for ya shit cuz i wanna go home"
I honestly don't blame her for wanting to go home but she didn't have to be rude about it. I was so pissed. Then when i went up to the register, some british-black lady was lookin at me funny cuz i gave her a debit card instad of some crinkled-up dollar bills, pocket change, and some pocket-lint smh.
Those ppl are so rude but i love their clothes lol

Day 3: The Outlet Mall
Today i went to the outlet mall......YES i said it....THE OUTLET MALL (during hurricane Irene...don't judge)
At first i didn't wanna go to the outlet mall but when i realized what was there, i was like "hell yeah i wanna go" lol
This is better than any mall you've ever been to. They have more name brands than any other mall i've EVER been to. I've got a few pairs of $100 pants XD
I've got stuff so expensive that you'd pass out if you read the receipt.
$200 dollars for a blazer? Yes ma'am,i gots that too :p
The only reason why i won't write much about what i got and which store i got it from is because i don't want anyone to have the same thing i have cuz there's always that one person that's tryna get what i have smh

But to sum it up, i have some REALLY great clothes for the year :)
I can't wait for christmas, plus my birthday is a week after christmas so i get twice as many presents XD

Thursday, August 25, 2011


note: everything highlighted in purple is a link

Today i went to my high school's orientation.
Every year, you pick up your schedule, find your classes, recieve their school supply lists, and maybe eat a wonderful soyburger that tastes like liquid smoke but today was different -___-
I roll up in the school and i see little teenyboppers running around the school like it's a frickin playground and i thought to myself, "These can't be the freshmen....they look like those little kids from the disney sitcom 'ANT farm'........are they like, 12 or something?"
And I'm not exaggerating....these girls are like 4'11 or shorter, have training bras, and have frickin JustinBieber lunchboxes and backpacks. And the boys are so wack that i cant even form a word to describe how uncool they are smh. They be lookin like this -____-
i swear, the freshmen get sluttier and younger every year smh
and it gets worse.....
everytime we have to find our classes, the little froshmores are running around cuz they haven't figured out how our hallway numbering system works lol
The hallway looks like this when you're a freshman but it starts to look like this by sophmore year lol
but forrreal tho.....they were making me late to my classes and homie don't play that
But i did get my school supply lists that look like this but all imma get is this lol

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Going to the dentist

note: eveything highlighted in purple is a link

Today i went to the dentist to get a deep cleaning done. They never told me what to expect.....
It was already bad enough that this middle-aged Bill Cosby lookin man was talking to me like i was 5
then he said that he was gonna numb one side of my mouth so he could inject anesthesia (which would make my mouth even more numb) in six places on the inside of my mouth. Of course, I was already shitting bricks and the guy hadn't even touched my mouth yet.

So the stuff he put in my mouth to numb it for the injections tasted like poisoned cough syrup or cherry-flavored candy from the dollar store. Then when he was injecting the anestesia, it felt like a pinch at first and then my whole mouth felt like i tried to commit suicide by drinkin tobasco sauce. It was HORRIBLE. Then the guy was telling me about the thingy that will clean my teeth and that it sends "electical pulses" & shit mixed with water and BLAH BLAH BLAH. And then i reached up to wipe something off my face and it felt like one side of my face was swollen as a mofo.  I asked then dentist about it and he said it wasn't that noticeable......that was some BS cuz as soon as he gave me a mirror, i saw that my face looked like i survived a stroke everytime i smiled. Plus my mouth was full of blood like i ate glass for lunch smh. If this is what it feels like to have botox, then i'll just have to be an old ugly wrinkly granny. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. The dentist said that the numbness should only last for about a couple hours but it lasted for, like, 4 hours smh. My mom and my brother went into Rita's to get some ice cream and i couldn't get any cuz i couldn't feel my mouth when i ate. But then my mom gave me the rest of hers and i ended up with crumbs and ice cream all over my mouth cuz i couldn't feel SHIT. I was so happy when i could feel my mouth again but then i realized......I HAVE TO GET THE OTHER SIDE CLEANED ON FRIDAY (which means that i have to do this all over again in two days)
So the lesson you learned today is that you should VISIT A DENTIST REGULARLY and TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH or you'll end up looking like this after a deep cleaning.

I survived the east coast urfquake of 8.23.11 :)

note: everything highlighted in purple is a link :)
What had happened was....
my mumsie, bro and yours truly was tryna get to Dave&Buster's and we had stopped a an intersection.
Then we saw this (most likely fake) homeless man with a piece a cardboard and the usual  message sayin "please give me money & may God bless you".
Of course, being the horrible person that I am, I start making fun of the fact that he doesn't even look homeless, and that it's probably just a scam.
& right after i said that, the URF started shakin our car like this.
& i legitimately thought that God was punishing our car :(
i was about to do some HAIL MARYs like the Pope on his lunch break. but then i noticed that everyone else's car was shakin like a stripper so that meant that i had just survived the east coast URFQUAKE of 8.23.11 :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


this is my take on the good, bad, and ugly creatures of "wally world"

Note: anything hightlighted in purple is a link :)

this lady looks like stole Willy Wonka's that a man?

How the hell are u gonna be gansta when yo shirt is tucked in????
It's not considered saggin if yo mama made u tuck yo shirt in before u left the house smh

this fatty looks like a CHEETAH GIRLS REJECT....did u really have to murder the whole jungle and then wear it on ur stanky booty???
PETA (and Tony the tiger) is gonna kill you in ur sleep tonight
and if your gonna wear animal print, at least make sure the shit matches.....that's just tacky right there smh

i swear i feel like cutting my wrist now smh

i guess prostitutes/cross-dressers have to shop too smh

Excuse me, ma'am........i think ur belt is tryna tell you's saying that ur pants are too small and they're tired of seeing Mr. BootyCrack.....just sayin....

Sir, ur confusing me......are you the KKK, or are you impersonating Casper the Friendly Ghost? smh

damn.....i know how u feel, girl.......those 3-month long road trips from africa make me sleepy too lol


this lady looks like Elvira before her morning coffee........
AND without a glam squad, special effects, and a tummy tuck smh

I was 110% sure that elvis was dead
Now i'm starting to question the death of Michael Jackson, Osama, Biggie, and James Brown o.o

this is a prime example of a black man on the "downlow"
I wanna see the day that he has to explain this to his wife lol
"Baby...I can explain...You see, I was workin out with the Jane Fonda excercise video tape and i took a water break....but we had no i hopped in the car, without changing, and went to walmart and this crazy kid kept takin pictures of me and sayin 'this is goin on the internet fa sho' gotta believe me"
yup......that's not gonna go over well smh


note: anything red is a link :)
According to america....."back to school" season starts in freakin JULY  -______-
that just ruins my whole vacation....although i spend most of my time doing this
and I'm always pressured to find the perfect clothes for the first day of school.....and if i don't, my peers will do this.....or this -____-
and since my mom is a procrastinator........we she usually waits until the weekend before school starts to shop for my clothes -___-
by that time, the store ends up looking like this cuz everyone took all the good stuff....or just stuff, in general :(
and, on the first day, everyone looks like this and i look like this....